My credentials
A bit about the letters after my name: I graduated with Honours with a BSc in Psychology, and hold certificates in dialectical behavioural therapy and Counselling Psychology and then onto a Masters Degree MSc in Forensic Psychology. And finally my Doctorate.
Success stories
If you work with me and really give it everything you have, you will become mentally stronger, wiser and happier. The work you do with me will change everything for you
My former husband immediately set about the most intense smear campaign, utilising parental alienation tactics and weaponising the children against me, trying to turn my family and friends against me and shut down my access to our joint bank accounts so I couldn’t obtain any money.
My health suffered hugely at this turn of events as I just couldn’t make sense of the hots which seem to come everyday and I was left in a state of total confusion and dislocation. My Dr described my husband as a severely malignant narcissist with pyschopathic tendencies towards me and the children. We divorced in 2017
I knew I needed professional help in navigating my way through the divorce process against such a toxic person and Angela was recommended to me by virtue of her expertise in narcissism and particularly the process of divorcing a narcissist.
Angela was very patient and understanding of my situation. When I first started to see her I was a complete wreck and was barely functioning. Gradually, with her help, I could begin to see and understand the patterns of behaviour that narcissists use in intimate relationships and that their behaviour is predictable. It helped me understand how the psychological abuse had been going on for years without me realising as it had been subtle and become my norm. The “drip drip” had left me trauma bonded and had become my norm. Her guidance and assistance were invaluable and helped me get through the court proceedings with an understanding as to what would be likely to happen next… and it did! Each time!
As I now consider the possibility of looking to enter into a new relationship, thanks to Angela’s input, I am extremely well placed to detect a narcissist and to avoid a repeat.